- Debate

2022-05-18General Debate Topics
- Should we ban homework: does homework promote learning?
- How essential is a college education?
- Banning mobile devices (cell phones, smartphones) at schools: yes or no?
- Is it appropriate to allow students to create their own curricula?
- Is abortion murder?
- Are violent video games appropriate entertainment for teenagers?
- Does social media contribute to teenage suicide?
- Does modern social media make people less socially active?
- How should modern society respond to teenage pregnancies?
- Is higher education a necessary prerequisite for an individual’s financial success in the future?
Topics Related to Education
- Are private schools better than public schools?
- Should education be privatized entirely?
- Are student loans exploitative?
- Does the traditional classroom address contemporary society’s needs?
- Is allowing teachers to carry guns on campuses a good idea?
- Does the contemporary grading system work?
- Should college education be compulsory?
- Is it appropriate to teach religion in schools?
- Is homeschooling better than a public or private school education?
- Is it fair to require that all students learn at least one foreign language?
Social Debate Topics
- Does the contemporary policing of marginalized communities in the United States contribute to the criminalization of youth?
- Should the death penalty be abolished in the United States?
- Is it ethical to have an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy?
- Does peer pressure absolve deliquent teens from cupabilty?
- Will electronic databases fully substitute brick and mortar libraries?
- Is cloning ethically acceptable?
- Is the legalization of marijuana a food idea?
- Should euthanasia be legalized?
- Is there any reason to raise minimum wages?
- Drug addicts: Do they need help or punishment?
- Is nationalism beneficial or dangerous in the context of globalization?
Environmental Issues
- Is climate change already irreversible?
- Banning plastic bags and packaging: yes or no?
- Are genetically modified foods a viable solution?
- Banning zoos: yes or no?
- How does tourism affect the environment?
- Should there be more national parks in the United States?
- Is banning fracking a good idea?
- All people should become vegetarian.
- What is organic farming’s role in agriculture’s future?
- Are live animal exports ethically acceptable?
Political Debate Topics
- Political campaigns should not be allowed to accept money from.
- Democracy is the best form of government.
- Is it appropriate for governments to limit their citizens’ freedom of speech?
- Are taxes that increase at accelerating rates fair?
- Limiting terms for U.S. senators and representatives brings more harm than good.
- Former offenders should preserve their voting rights.
- Modern patterns of incarceration that affect minorities more than whites contribute to racial inequality in the US.
- Is it necessary for a political leader to be active on social media?
- Is the US Constitution a living document?
- Should the Supreme Court judges be appointed for predetermined fixed periods?
Debate Topics Related to Parenting
- Should children use smartphones without parental supervision?
- Teenage girls having access to birth control without parental supervision: yes or no?
- Should parents decide which career their children will pursue?
- Parents always treat their children fairly: yes or no?
- Is it ethically permissible for parents to pick the genders of their future children?
- Gay couples are adopting children: pros and cons.
- Should parents control their children’s activities on social media?
- Is parental supervision the same as parental control?
- Teenage children and completely autonomous decision-making: should parents allow this?
- Is parental support essential for the future success of children?
Technology Topics
- Will technology make people smarter?
- Is artificial intelligence dangerous?
- Will robots increase people’s quality of life?
- How do technological advances influence us?
- Will humans colonize another planet soon?
- Can all cars become electric?
- Does technology intensify human communication?
- Recent developments in technology transform people’s interests: yes or no?
- Can people save nature using technology (or destroy it)?
- Do laws effectively keep up with changes in technology?
Healthcare Topics
- Justifying the legalization of recreational marijuana: yes or no?
- Is mandatory vaccination constitutional?
- Alternative medicine and its impact on the future of healthcare.
- Does technology promote our health?
- Modern healthcare and antibiotics.
- Is drug legalization a good idea?
- Does globalization promote universal healthcare?
- Should healthcare services for all citizens be fully funded by the government?
- Should the government be allowed to force parents to take their sick children to the hospital?
- Can competition improve the quality of healthcare services?
Debate Topics Related to Leisure
- Is a summer vacation better than a winter vacation?
- Encouraging teenagers to read books: are the outcomes encouraging?
- Has technology changed the way young people spend their leisure time?
- Has social media taken over our leisure time?
- Can daily leisure time be a substitute for a yearly vacation?
- Is leisure time essential for workplace effectiveness?
- Playing video games during leisure time: pros and cons.
- Has work-life balance changed with the advent of technology?
- Has globalization and our increased mobility changed the way we view vacations?
- Women spend their leisure time differently than men.
Debating Financial and Policy Matters
- Can the U.S. government ensure the country’s financial stability?
- How secure is mobile banking?
- Does the credit industry promote or hinder economic development?
- Is there any economic justification for wars?
- Should wealthy people pay higher taxes than the poor?
- How would lowering the voting age impact America’s future?
- Mass incarceration and its impact on U.S. politics.
- Mandatory financial education: pros and cons.
- Should online financial advice be available for every citizen?
- Can high profitability alone justify environmentally hazardous practices?
Debating Historical Matters
- History is an important subject that all students should learn: yes or no?.
- Is King Arthur a real historical figure or myth?
- Knowledge of history enriches one’s worldview: yes or no?
- What role did Britain play during the First World War?
- How have different historians interpreted World War Two?
- Was there any justification for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US?
- How shoudl we interpret the Revolutionary War?
- Ancient Roman culture versus contemporary culture.
- History & its impact on the future.
- Modern interracial conflicts evaluated from a historical perspective.
Topics for Fun Filled Debates
- Are men stronger than women?
- Daydreaming versus dreaming at night: which is better?
- Communication between the sexes: do men and women have different approaches?
- Choosing the best pizza topping: healthy versus tasty.
- Do fairy tales affect children’s perception of reality?
- Is living together before marriage appropriate nowadays?
- Should teenagers get after-school jobs?
- Gender and life expectancy: what factors explain life expectancy gaps?
- From a historical perspective, are women smarter than men?